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Amatsiko 102

About Us

Amatsiko is a registered community based organization (CBO) operating in South- Western Uganda, Kabale District, Kigezi region. The idea for the project was initially conceived in 2005 by Alex Atuheire, the project director, after he saw the detrimental effects that being orphaned or vulnerable had on the future of the community's children.
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Bring A Child Hope

Unfortunately, in Uganda it is common that children simply do not get the education that they deserve. We believe that education should be a right and not just a privilege and yet so many children here fail to complete primary school let alone secondary. The reasons for this are numerous but the main cause is poverty and a lack of access to affordable education. Our child sponsorship programme aims to give children who would otherwise have not been able to attend school, an education.

Our sponsorship programme works on a 1 to 1 relationship basis between a sponsor (or group of sponsors) and a child. We feel that this will allow for a stronger bond between child and sponsor(s). 


We are committed to facilitating communication between sponsors and students and guarantee communication at least three times a year detailing personal updates, the student’s academic performance and any other news of note. For those students with internet and email access it will also be possible for there to be direct communication between sponsors and students this way.

Sponsorship costs $35 or £23 per month or $420 or £270 a year which will be used towards school fees, uniforms, school supplies such as books and pens and other basic provisions. By becoming a regular donor you will be helping to fund our work in one of the most important ways; we are able to count on your ongoing support and make plans for the future. By agreeing to become a sponsor you agree to sponsor that child until they complete whichever level of education they are currently at. i.e. you agree to sponsor their entire/remaining primary or secondary education. We require this from sponsors as it is not uncommon for students to fail to complete school when their sponsorship dries up. 

For further information about the sponsorship programme please read our FAQs . If you would like more information about our sponsorship programme, OR how to donate or become involved, please contact us at: 

*Seth Gillman is the UK Project Co-coordinator for the Amatsiko Organisation (Click Here to read Seth's Profile) Seth is the Financial Administrator for all of our online donations. To make a direct donation from your PayPal account you can send it to: or use other payment methods through PayPal by using the button below.

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